Upload large files to S3 with API Gateway and Lambda: Overcoming Size Limitations using pre-signed URLs

Upload large files to S3 with API Gateway and Lambda: Overcoming Size Limitations using Signed URLs

In this tutorial video, I guide you through the process of uploading large files to Amazon S3 using API Gateway and Lambda functions, while overcoming the default size limitations. By leveraging the power of signed URLs, we can bypass the 10 MB limitation of API Gateway and the 6 MB limitation of AWS Lambda.

I’ll start by explaining the challenges faced when dealing with large file uploads and how the combination of API Gateway, Lambda and S3 signed URL’s can help us overcome these limitations. Then I show you how I create the whole infrastructure with an AWS SAM template.

During the demonstration, I’ll show you sample code snippets and explain how they fit together to achieve the desired functionality.

The SAM template and code can be found here:

Here’s the full video on how to set this up:

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